JoinDM Messages
Send direct message when a member joins your server
Join DM messages are personalized messages sent directly to a user’s DM when they join your server. Miona allows you to create fully customizable join DM messages, which can be a great way to introduce new members to your community. These messages are perfect for sending your server’s advertisement, rules, or any important information that helps users get started. With join DM messages, you can provide a welcoming, informative experience right in the user’s inbox, making it easier to engage and guide new members.
Example Join DM message
How to set it up?
Firstly we need to create the message. You can do that by running the following command:
Once you run this command the built-in editor will open and you can start editing your message.
Editing join DM message with built-in editor
By clicking on each button, you can edit the properties of the message/embed, for example by clicking on the Edit basic information
you can edit the embed Title
, Description
, Color
, etc.
Built-in editor automatically saves your changes.
After this step the bot will automatically send the message to the users DM when they join the server. You can test this message by running the following commands:
How to disable?
You can disable join DM messages by running the following command:
You can use variables in most messages where Built-in editor is used. You can find the list of variables here.